Regulations on Renting Apartments Is Amended

With the initiative of the local administrations in Alanya, the ‘Regulation on the Arrangement of Activities for Renting Houses for Tourism Purposes’ was amended

With the amendment made to the Regulation, the definition of high quality housing has been changed and housing complexes with reception, security and daily cleaning services; health services, dry cleaning, laundry, transport, catering and shopping services and at least two of the services such as gym and swimming pool will be considered high quality. For example, if there is a gym and a swimming pool in the complex, it will be considered as high quality housing. In high quality residences (with a swimming pool and a gym), a permission certificate can only be obtained with a change in the management plan, that is, the notarised consent of all floor owners will not be required. At the same time, there will be no limit for one person to rent out a maximum of 25 per cent in high quality residences. A single person or a company will be able to rent out the entire housing estate. The permit application review process was increased from 30 days in the previous regulation to 60 days with the amendment.

AK Party Alanya District Chairman Mehmet Şarani Tavlı stated that the new regulation is important for Alanya. Tavlı said, ‘The new regulation published in the Official Newspaper on the Amendment on the Regulation of Activities for the Rental of Dwellings for Tourism Purposes is also closely related to Alanya. The most important change in the new regulation is that the residences will be considered as high quality residences if at least two of the qualifications required for high quality residences are present, not all of them. In this case, many complexes and residences in Alanya will also be included in the definition of high quality housing specified in the law and each building management will be able to take the decision to make short-term rentals for tourism purposes more easily. Of course, provided that all other legal obligations and notifications are complied with. In addition, another change introduced is that the maximum period for finalising the applications has been increased from 30 days to 60 days. In addition, in the previous regulation, if deficiencies were detected in the first inspection, there was a penalty, with the amendment made, the penalty was abolished and instead a period of 15 days will be given. At the end of 15 days, if the deficiencies are not eliminated, the permit will be cancelled. We would like to thank our Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy and the Ministry officials with whom we are in constant consultation on these issues. The steps taken by our ministry to ensure that second residences exist in our tourism system without causing tax and security weaknesses have started to be taken as an example by other countries. As the AK Party Alanya District Organisation, every issue concerning the sensitivities and needs of our region is a priority for us and our work will continue in this direction.’

Alanya Contractors Association (MÜTBİR) President Mustafa Küçüker said, ‘Alanya Chamber of Commerce, Alanya Municipality, Alanya Deputy Mayor Servet Ünlü and politicians have been very supportive on this issue. We have always explained these situations to the Minister and the Department of Investments. As a result, a statement was made that could support the market. It will be an application that will provide a plus to the market. People who invested could not rent their property. Now this problem has been eliminated. In the definition of housing in qualified housing, the conditions were very aggravated. With the regulation, if two criteria are met, it will be able to enter the definition of qualified housing. In this way, people will be able to rent their houses in a short time if the people in the building see fit. We believe that it will be a more equitable application. We have prepared this as a city consensus. As Alanya, we have prepared a report together. We thank everyone who contributed.’