Category: Residence Permit

best invest | Forbes Global Properties July Update

The swimming pools and beaches are full and the sound of excited children playing can be heard all along the Turkish Mediterranean coastline.

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best invest | Forbes Global Properties November Update

Welcome to best invest / Forbes Global Properties November update. We met many of our multi-national friends and clients in the Alanya region over the October holidays. Temperatures were in the mid twenties and they had a wonderful time.

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Recent Changes in Turkish Real Estate Laws: Crucial Updates for Expats

Starting from October 16, 2023, the new property valuation requirement for all cities across Turkey is a $200,000 market value. This applies to residence permits by investment applications. Meanwhile, the citizenship through real estate investment requires a $400,000 market value.

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best invest | Forbes Global Properties October Update

Welcome to best invest / Forbes Global Properties October update. The holiday season is not over yet!!

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Procedure of Obtaining a Residence Permit in Turkey

A residence permit (ikamet) is an official document that allows a foreign citizen to stay in the country for a certain period under legal conditions.

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